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Last year, for about five months on and off, I had the GREAT honour of working on John Ridley and Carlton Cuse’s limited series FIVE DAYS AT MEMORIAL, which is adapted from the Pulitzer Prize winning novel of the same name, written by Sheri Fink.
FIVE DAYS AT MEMORIAL focuses on the true story of the five harrowing days at Memorial Hospital in New Orleans when the levees broke after Hurricane Katrina…after which three healthcare professionals were charged with murder.

It was a singular experience and a gruelling shoot for all involved…for all the reasons you can imagine.
I had the chance to meet Sheri Fink when we were shooting and chat with her about the person…the real live/living person I portrayed, nurse Cheri Landry.
Cheri Landry was one of the three healthcare professionals charged with murder, the others being nurse Lori Budo (played the the awesome Sarah Allen) and Dr. Anna Pou, who was played masterfully by Vera Farmiga.
I spent almost all my time on set with Vera and Sarah.
Watching Vera work was a really an experience I will not soon forget, and I was thankful to work alongside both her and Sarah.
Vera is a pro in every sense of the word,  inspiring and lifting all around her to be at the very top of their game.

This is the trailer…and it says it all.
Tune in.

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