JUST A HEADS up THAT BOTH EPISODES of MEME gURL, my fun and fabulous TV pilots that BREAK down your social media feed for you, are on SLICE TV’s WEBSITE.
YES…it is TRUE.
Click here are scroll down to the bottom of the show page and THERE THEY ARE!!
Grab a glass of wine, a pint of Ben and Jerry’s (or some chips…) and give them a watch! Why not!?!?
“Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.”
– Jim Rohn, was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.
Yesterday, I was sitting at the dining room table wrapping my mind around all the people who had contributed to mine and Mike’s INDIEGOGO Campaign and trying to map out a strategy to raise the final funds.
While I pondered and planned the door bell rang, and a package arrived, one that held a shower cap I had left behind at a pal’s house (yes, I do need my shower cap, people) and tucked inside my cap was a little satchel…and inside the satchel was this necklace…and with the necklace was a card that read as follows:
Pay it forward. Embrace your word, then pay it forward at some point to a person who you feel needs the message more than you.
The word reads: ASK.

Things arrive just when you need them. Thank you to my dear friend for passing this onto me…for thinking about me and knowing I needed the word!
We have $5000.00 and 11 days left and I am throwing my teaspoon out the window and picking up my bucket!
I am really excited about this project…like over the top excited…and these last couple months I have been looking at all the festivals passing by on my social media feeds that I want to be considered for that will no even look at me (if they don’t know me at all) without high quality, interesting, footage…LATITUDE, Adelaide Cabaret Festival, London Wonderground and I am chomping at the bit. THE BIT!! And it is proven that when we get one Canadian artist hired or booked to festivals such as this, many more are considered and then follow!
So, I ask you….can you help a hard working gal out?
I know in my heart and mind that no matter how much money Mike and I end up with at the end of our INDIEGOGO campaign, we will work joyous magic together, yes, this much I know…but I still believe we can attain our original vision! Which is a vision that includes hiring a wonderful venue, hiring an amazing editor, as well as top of the line camera operators and audio experts!
No contribution is TOO small (someone passed on a dollar…for which I was very thankful) and there are some really fun and awesome perks…and some limited perks…37 seats for the taping are already promised to contributors.
Click the link below and check out the video Mike made (so good and tells all) and please consider contributing!

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