Just A Thought or Two…June 21st, 2021
Just a thought..or two…
1. Are you ever driving around in your car between COVID tests (I had two today…I actually enjoy it…for some reason, it’s like getting a tank full of gas) and ENDLESS LOVE…THE ORIGINAL, with Lionel Richie and Diana Ross…comes on, and you are so in your feels that you sing your guts out AND THEN say the following:
Siri, repeat that song.
…and go AGAIN!?!?
And when you wrap up your second vocal exploration of ENDLESS LOVE, feeling like you are in pretty good voice today, Whitney Houston’s I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU starts playing?
And you clear your throat?
Do a quick scale and dig in?
And wonder if this is the day to buy a lottery ticket?
Just me?
And to be clear? Sometimes it’s the vocal and not the sentiment.
Just sayin’.
2. My memories came up on the FACEBOOK…sometimes a TERRIBLE thing…but today’s memory showed me a picture of the backyard SOLSTICE BONFIRE I had a year ago today, where I burned my Wedding Album and a bunch of other marriage pictures.
That is a glass of of VERY expensive scotch on the little table, there…
It was 32 degrees out, I was in a tank top with no bra and cut off sweat pants, and the fire was so hot that it made my rubber roots meld to my bare feet, just a little.
Yeah, I was in it to WIN it.
As I watched all of that stuff burn to a crisp, turn into ash, and then float up into the stars (it was VERY poetic, people) I decided to change up my life that day.
And here I am…a year later…I sold my house, basically moved into a storage space and stayed in my downtown apartment so I could take my time to buy a new place, which I did, and spruced the new place up, AND THEN moved AGAIN, waited a couple months and then cleared out the storage space.
I changed my life…and did it all during a pandemic.
I’m writing this here, so that I remind when shit gets hard, that I changed my life this year, when it was pretty difficult to change your life.
To celebrate, I sang ENDLESS LOVE twice, then I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (again, ALL about the vocals…NOT about the sentiment…unless, well maybe, we are talking about self love…ya, yes…yes! TA FUCKING DA!! It was ALL ABOUT THAT!!) and THEN I bought a plant stand and a pair of spotless white leather PUMA tennis shoes at WINNERS.
Because if the leather gets dirty? You can just wipe it off.
Easy, right? I am sure that is a metaphor for something, I just cannot put my finger on it right now.
3. AFTER my second COVID test, I went to the WINNERS in Etobicoke, and the line up was an hour and a half long. AN HOUR AND A HALF. I ASK YOU!?!? DOES ANYONE NEED A SCENTED CANDLE THAT MUCH? I drove by the one on King Street West one hour later, no line. I went in there, instead. Who knew? It was a bit picked over, but you know what it DID have? A plant stand and white leather PUMA shoes. : )
Have a great day EVERYONE!!!
S.M. Toronto, ON June 21st, 2021
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