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A Year From Now…

You know those memes…the ones that are all…

“A year from now you’ll look back and be glad you (insert challenging thing here)”

…well, they piss me off…and inspire me, in equal measure…just keeping it real.

And today, I realized that I’m actually at one of those “A year from now” moments and it rocked my socks a bit.

These socks, to be exact…

…which I think need to be celebrated because, if you have thick calves, you will KNOW how hard it is to find high socks that fit.

And these do.

So, it goes without saying that today is a real winner of a day, people, on a couple of fronts.

Last year, on December 10th, I had my first general meeting with an LA production house as a creator/writer/actor/producer. I’d never had a general meeting with a production house, period…one where you just talk about what you’ve done and what you might be interested in…like, NOT EVEN TO PITCH or anything but just chat. What a concept. just boggled my mind that they wanted to meet the person not a project.

That being said, I did have a couple of soft pitches in my notes, just in case…because, VIRGO.

Most of my soft pitches that day were (and still are) wonderful collaborative projects that are in different states of readiness…all of which I’m extremely proud…but there was one that was just a kernel of an idea.

I decided that if the meeting went REALLY well, and we hit if off, I would mention it.

Well, it did, so I did.

The person I was meeting with really liked the idea and we talked about it at great length and she said, “You know, this is your chance to write and create your own project…on your own steam. It will be YOUR OWN IP.”

SIDEBAR: I’ve discovered in the last couple of years how important it is to have your very own Intellectual Property when pitching…as much as how important it is to trust and believe that you can develop your own Intellectual Property. Also, I had NO IDEA that IP meant Intellectual Property until I asked my manager. Oh, yes…I’ve learned a lot of new things. END OF SIDEBAR

Later that day, I was scrolling Instagram instead and saw this…

…it’s not the “one year” meme but the flavour is there.

I just stared at it…for like fifteen minutes. Then I screen capped it and sat on it for a day.

The next morning, I wrote my managers…who’d already told me that it was way past time to create my own screen project…and told them that after Christmas, I was going to ground for 90 days…and was going to use almost ALL my free time to do the work, make a world, create some humans and start to write a script.

With their help, questions and guidance, I spent almost the ENTIRE  next five months developing a pitch deck and pilot script for a show that I’m GD proud of. Like REALLY GD proud of.

Yesterday, I had to pleasure of pitching it to the SAME LA production company and the same human.

The joy it brought to me AND the accomplishment I feel is so rooted deep inside my spirit that I will FOREVER be grateful that I invested in myself.

I’m so glad I did it. I’m so fucking glad. It makes me wonder what I can do THIS YEAR!!

This was me after the meeting. I was FEELING IT!!


It may take a WHOLE lifetime to find what we love…but fucking FIND IT…keep looking for it…keep trying new things…keep investing in US. WE DESERVE IT!




Comments (2)

  1. Sharron,there is no limit to what WE can do, when WE Love doing it!
    You are incredibly hard working…and I am so dang glad to see that exact expression on your Face, and the light in your eyes. Congratulation that is Fantastic
    , Bravo Madame

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